Welcome for 2024, to our Preps starting their school journey and to our new and returning students and families. It has been a little while since we have had students visiting and the shelves have been very quiet, with all our books waiting to be borrowed and read again after the holidays.
We look forward to welcoming students back to share stories and borrow during their Library Class time and at break times.
Borrowing for Preps during class time will not commence until Mid-Term, after our new Preps have settled in, become accustomed to attending Library Lessons and become familiar with the Library environment and borrowing practices. We also need to enter all our Preps into our Library borrowing system. However, should they wish to borrow before Week 5, they can do so if they are accompanied by a parent before and after school.
*Please note the Library will not be open for borrowing on Friday mornings.
All Preps will need a Library Bag to borrow a book. Full student name and Family Group should be written on the bag to assist with borrowing time and returning lost bags to children.
Preps will be borrowing 1 book at a time around Week 5 and may loan the book for up to two weeks. Getting into the habit of bringing books back on Library Days ensures students borrow more frequently. A Library Bag is an important way to protect books as they travel between home and school.
Borrowing occurs during Library Lessons as well as Lunch and Afternoon Tea breaks most days. Students in Yr.3 to Yr.6 may borrow 2 books at a time. Only students accompanied by parents or care givers may borrow before or after school.
Please remember to still look for and return any overdues from last year. Even if an older sibling has left the school to move on to High School the return of overdue items is expected. As always if your child has lost a book or it has become damaged beyond repair, let the Library know and the office will send an invoice for replacement cost. At this time of year leaking water bottles are the usual culprit causing book damage.
Please encourage your children to come and speak with us in the Library if a book has become lost or damaged as this is a good way for them to take responsibility for their borrowing.
Happy reading. 
Scott (Teacher Librarian)
Kerri (Teacher Aide Library)