Cross Country
Congratulations to all of the kids for running in this year’s cross country at Chevallum State School, your participation was inspirational!
How lucky are we to have such a wonderful track to show off our running skills that we’ve worked hard on the in Term 1. Thanks to our new groundsman, Dennis for setting up the cross country track and helping guide the kids on the day.
Thanks to all the parents for showing their support to all the kids while running on the day.
Waruee showed great grit and determination leading to their win and well done to Gurooman and Wandalu for a good competition and coming so close in points.
Big thanks to Mr Richie for commentating, marshalling and encouraging everyone to do their best. Good luck to all of those who are going to districts on Friday May 3rd.
By Shiloh and Ryan
Life EducationOur Prep to Year 4 students were visited by Healthy Harold and Mel from Life Education during Week 1 and 2. Life Education is designed to inspire and empower students, providing knowledge, skills and strategies around topics of physical health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing, all through interactive learning experiences.
If you would like to follow up at home, parents and carers are encouraged to access module information and resources at the
LifeEd Hub.
Life Education will return later in the year to chat to our Year 5/6 students.