QAMT Maths Competition
Two teams of three Year 5/6 students travelled to Chancellor State college Tuesday, October 10 representing Chevallum State School in Round 2 of the QAMT Mathematics Quiz, pitting their mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills against teams from other local area schools.
Round 1 was held here at school just prior to the recent school vacation with three teams vying for the two spots to go to the next round at Chancellor.
Early Years – Sealife Excursion 
On 9-11th October 2023, our Early Years classes (Family I,J,K) students visited Sealife Aquarium for an excursion. To enhance the science learnings from their current unit of work they explored the habitats and features of sea creatures found within their local environment.
Transition to Prep Visits
Across Weeks 3 and 4 of this term we will be hosting our Prep students for 2024 for some transition visits. If you see some new family faces around, please make them welcome as they begin their journey into the Chevallum State School Community. An exciting time for all.