Early Years Parents in Education
Thank you to Miss Cathie (Head of Department - Curriculum) for presenting the Early Years’ workshop and our Early Years’ teachers for hosting classroom visits on our Parents In Education – Early Years morning on 26 April. The morning was highly informative with strategies shared on how to support Early Years children as they navigate their way through their learning journey in literacy and numeracy.
“School will be a focus in your child’s life for the next 12 or so years. Chevallum is a learning environment where staff aim to build positive, lifelong learners who can set goals and achieve success in all aspects of their life. We would like to share with you some strategies that we use in the early years to support children as they set out on their school learning journey.”
Three Gifts For Your Child – parenting with practices that make a difference.
Thank you to Ian Johnson (Guidance Officer) for presenting this engaging and informative workshop. The workshop had an intriguing title, 3 Gifts For Your Child — 2 of which they will not like yet they will thank you for when they are adults!, with attending parents gaining insight and ‘walking away with’ practical ideas to try. The session was well attended by parent across the year levels.
As part of our community’s first aide response, Chevallum State School now has a defibrillator installed in our school hall foyer. (NB Defibrillators are an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who's in cardiac arrest.) In most cases, the defibrillator would be used under the guidance of a 000 operator.
A huge thank you to our P&C who have funded this potentially life-saving project.
A reminder that school jumpers are the only jumpers to be worn as part of the Chevallum uniform. School jumpers need to have the school logo present. Jeans of any kind are not suitable for school. Winter Uniform may be warmed up by adding black track pants or black stockings/tights and a red or black skivvy. Socks should be either black or white. Shoes should be closed in and predominantly black or white. I personally thank those parents who support their children with the appropriate uniform. Please clearly label all clothing especially jumpers and hats as these items are the most discarded/lost items. Labels will need to be much more that a first name if owners and items are to be reunited.
We are about to confirm Prep enrolments for 2024.
Our numbers are already approaching the quota for 2024 but are now double checking these enrolment requests to verify if they are still current.
If you are an existing parent at Chevallum State School and have not officially enrolled your Prep child for 2024 (i.e. placed their individual enrolment form into the office) you must contact the office immediately.