A special mention must be made of Kirsten Bowman, our outgoing P&C President. Kirsten’s dedication to the role of P&C President over the last two years has been greatly valued and appreciated by the school and the general community. 
Under Kirsten’s guidance and enthusiasm, the P&C businesses have grown from strength to strength and highly successful fundraisers were orchestrated for our school in very unprecedented times.
2020-2021 were years of unpredictable change with COVID restrictions and lockdowns which made navigating the president role and made encouraging P&C membership and parent volunteering that little bit more challenging.
I would like to publicly thank Kirsten for her commitment to the role and her family for their ongoing support during this time. Although Kirsten had offered her support for the new P&C executive her time will be more focussed towards stepping back into music and instrumental teaching.
The dedication of volunteers and P&C Executive like Kirsten is deeply appreciated by our school community and we wish Kirsten and her family all the best.
Regards, Linda Short (Principal)