Last day of borrowing for 2022 – FRIDAY 25th November
END OF YEAR BOOK RETURNS – All books to be returned by Friday 25th Nov, this includes home readers as well as Library books.
As the end of the year approaches, sorry it is sneaking up on us, we would like to remind families that all outstanding books must be returned by the due date.
Please start rounding up any books that may have got away and spent too many sleepovers at your house. Book returns includes Home Readers and any books used in Learning Support Programs.
Also, a reminder that there is no borrowing over the extended Christmas holidays.
Please visit Sunshine Coast Libraries website to explore the many activities they have organised for the school holiday break.

Returning outstanding books is essential for graduating students or any student who may be leaving us to attend a new school in 2023.
Thank you for your understanding and help with finding all our books before school finishes.
Scott Barr (Teacher Librarian)