Story Dogs 
Our Story Dogs program is continuing in 2021 much to the delight of our students. This year we have Lisa (volunteer) with Hector (golden retriever) and Ally (volunteer) with Daisy (golden retriever-pictured below). The program runs each Monday in our library. Story Dogs is a comprehensive literacy program built around the appealing idea of children reading to dogs to build their reading confidence and love of reading.
PlaygroupChevallum Playgroup is being held on Tuesday mornings 9am until 11am in our WOOSH building. Our playgroup is registered through Playgroup Queensland and is facilitated by Kellie Jarrett who is both a Chevallum parent (Family A and J) and teacher. The program is relaxed and informal. Playgroup provides the opportunity for parents and their young children to develop friendships, support each other, and often helps kindy-age children to transition into Prep.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden ProgramTeaching kitchen
Our Year 4-6 students have begun their fortnightly kitchen lessons with our very creative kitchen specialist, Miss Katie. The year four students are now fully inducted in the safety skills needed in a commercial kitchen. Last fortnight, our year 4-6 students prepared, cooked and shared Australian menu – see recipes in the Kids Kitchen section of the newsletter.
The aim of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program is to introduce pleasurable food education which emphasises on the flavours as well as the health benefits of fresh, seasonal food into primary schools forming positive food habits for life.
Kitchen Garden 
This year, Miss Tania (Family D Teacher Aide and Kitchen Garden Specialist) is running our student garden program (Year 4-6) with the assistance of our upper school staff. To ensure our permaculture garden is well-maintained and ready to support our kitchen program we are very fortunate to have a past parent, Monique Bailey continuing to volunteer in our permaculture garden and welcome Ben Gore, our new permaculture gardener to the dynamic team. Miss Tania, Monique and Ben have a wealth of knowledge in permaculture, horticulture and food health.
Both the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program and Garden program have close curriculum links to learning particularly in Health and Science Learning Areas.
Community ChoirChevallum offers a unique approach to encouraging inclusion from a broad range of students and adults alike through our Chevallum Community Choir. Students from years 2-6, their family members and teaching staff meet for weekly rehearsals each Friday morning in our hall. Participating within a collaborative group in a creative field is beneficial physically, emotionally, behaviourally and socially.
The Chevallum Community Choir is directed by a qualified Youth Worker and Choral Conductor, Miss Dani.
Regards, Linda Short (Principal)