I am pleased to announce that Mr Scot Teichmann will be permanently appointed to the higher classification of Deputy Principal (Primary), Chevallum State School, North Coast Region with the Department, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Award and Agreement. Mr Teichmann has been through a long and rigorous process of application, interview and review after 12 months of acting in the position to gain this well-deserved achievement.
Mr Teichmann (Mr T) is now officially Chevallum State School’s Deputy Principal after being promoted from the Acting Deputy Principal position and his substantive role as class teacher.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Scot for the contribution he has already made in his leadership role over the last 12 months, and for his ongoing commitment to our school.
Ms Kara Onions, who has been replacing Mr T in Family D, has also committed to continuing to part of Family D’s dynamic teaching team along with Ms Kate Hatch until at least the end of the year. We are very grateful to Kara for continuing this role as it allows for continuity for teaching and learning in Family D.
The parent-teacher interview process was well supported by our committed parent group - thank you. I would like to acknowledge our dedicated teachers who extended their teaching days over the last few weeks to incorporate these interviews. These face-to-face meetings are an invaluable part of the feedback loop – where both parents and teachers can discuss academic progress and strategies to best support their child/student in their learning.
A reminder that school jumpers are the only jumpers to be worn as part of the Chevallum uniform. School jumpers need to have the school logo present. Jeans of any kind are not suitable for school. Winter Uniform may be warmed up by adding black track pants or black stockings/tights and a red or black skivvy. Socks should be either black or white. Shoes should be closed in and predominantly black or white. I personally thank those parents who support their children with the appropriate uniform. Please clearly label all clothing especially jumpers and hats as these items are the most discarded/lost items. Labels will need to be much more that a first name if owners and items are to be reunited.
We are about to confirm Prep enrolments for 2023. Our numbers are already approaching the quota for 2023 but we are now double checking these enrolment requests to verify if they are still current. If you are an existing parent at Chevallum State School and have not officially enrolled your Prep child for 2023 (i.e.placed their individual enrolment form into the office) you must contact the office immediately.
Linda Short - Principal
Coming Events
20 May (Fri) Whole School Parade, 9am – Family A presenting
23 May (Mon) Instrumental Music Parade in School Hall (2-2.30pm)
26 May (Thu) Musica Viva Performance
27 May (Fri) Fanfare String Orchestra and Recorder Ensemble (Chancellor SC)
2 June (Thu) Regional Readers’ Cup (Immanuel Lutheran College)
3 June (Fri) Whole School Parade, 9am – Family B presenting – featuring Story Dogs
8 June (Wed) Parent Workshop presented by Marg Thorsborne 6pm-7pm (more to come…)