Thank you P&C Executive!!!
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of our Chevallum P&C in 2023 particularly with Strawbfest’s relaunched after a 4-year hiatus!
Not only did this iconic event attract a massive crowd from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, the P&C set an all-time net profit record – in order of over $80 000!!
The P&C have also continued to run and improve three highly successful businesses – Café C, WOOSH and Uniform Shop; obtained grants from the wider community; fundraised outside of Strawbfest fundraising; supported school-based decisions and provided extra money contributions to the school throughout the year.
All these undertakings have required an added level of commitment so I must acknowledge these outcomes would not be possible without the leadership and guidance of the current P&C executive,(Kellie Jarratt, President; Veronica Underhill, Vice-President; Monique Wheeler, Secretary; Robyn Kirkland, Vice Secretary; Ange Barnes, Treasurer and Jess Bingham, Assistant-Treasurer), Di Smith (P&C Operational Manger) and staff working in all three dedicated P&C businesses.
Secondly, a huge thank you to all of the Chevallum staff. The dedication of our teachers, support staff, administration staff, teacher aides, cleaners, groundsmen and regular contractors in 2023 was outstanding and makes our school a place of quality education and pride. Our high-quality curriculum continued to be delivered through an inquiry ‘lens’ making the bespoke Units of work highly engaging and purposeful. Our staff adapted and tailoring their mode and method of delivery to meet individual student needs. Student wellbeing has continued to be an ongoing focus for all Family groups in this constantly changing world. Our staff stepped up in celebration of our school-based events including Strawbfest, Book Week Celebrations and Class Culminating events.
Our Student Leadership program will see some changes in 2024. Throughout the year, our Year 6 students will participate in a series of events that will occur each term. The 2024 Leadership program will link directly to the Personal and Social Capabilities from the General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum.
Our Year 5 students have been encouraged to apply for leadership positions in preparation for Year 6. On the 22nd of November our Year 5 students started their leadership journey for 2024, by delivered speeches to express their desire to become our 2024 School Leaders. The application process involved students outlining their ability to demonstrate Personal and Social Capabilities as outlined in the Australian Curriculum.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge our very supportive parent group who make a difference to the academic and social/emotional outcomes of every student. Parents being directly involved through volunteering or indirectly involved makes our children’s education more purposeful and part of a life-long process. It was fantastic to see class culminating events feature strongly in 2023 and the huge parent support at each event making the student learning celebrations purposeful.
Graduating Students
Our school community wishes all our graduating students the very best for their future studies and transition to High School. We hope that they will embrace life long learning as they go out into the world and have fond memories of their time as students of Chevallum State School.
We wish all our families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Regards, Linda Short (Principal)