On Friday 17 March, Chevallum State School held a special Harmony Day parade. The parade in essence held the key message of respect of self and others in light of our differences. The theme for this year was We All Belong. A huge thank you to Miss Katie and Miss Dani for their organisation and our Year 6 Leaders for their outstanding presentations during the parade.
Family D – Scientific Method
This term in Science, Family D has been learning about how scientists use the Scientific Method for all their investigations. We used this method to answer the question ‘How does the length of a paper rocket affect how far it flies?’
After researching how rockets work, we created our own hypothesis before we conducted the experiment. Groups created two rockets, one short and one long. Each student then used a straw to blow the rocket and measured the distance it travelled. Once the experiment was finished, groups recorded their results and shared their conclusions.
We were very excited to have Marg Thorsborne back at Chevallum State School.

Marg presents to community groups and schools across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Canada, UK and the USA. She has a background in education and counselling and has highly developed skills as a facilitator and presenter. She is widely recognised as an international expert on school bullying and has played a major role in the introduction of Restorative Practices into schools. Marg has had a long association with our school and introduced Restorative Practices way back in 2008. (NB Restorative Practices underpins our Student Code of Conduct.) She continues to train our staff and consult with us on our current Restorative Practices processes and knowledges.
Over the years, Marg has presented many workshops to Chevallum parents. The feedback we receive from parent participants is that is a very practical, supportive approach to parenting and schooling and her emphasis is on building and maintaining healthy relationships.
Linda Short (Principal)