Our school community has continued to be a highly supportive and hard-working collective. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of our Chevallum P&C in 2021 particularly in light of this year’s circumstances for limited fundraising and volunteering.

The P&C continuing to run and refine three very successful businesses – Café C, WOOSH and Uniform Shop; obtain grants from the wider community; fundraise; supporting school-based decisions; are all undertakings that require an added level of commitment. I must acknowledge these outcomes would not be possible without the leadership and guidance of both the current P&C executive and the dedicated group of class parent Reps.
Strawberry Bonanza was an event that occurred when our annual fundraising event Strawbfest was once again cancelled due to COVID restrictions. Strawberry Bonanza fundraiser reached an unbelievable $24,000 profit.

Our special Centenary celebrations would not have been as successful without the funding support of our P&C. Funds were provided to commission our Centenary Art Installation – Reflection Circle and Centenary Book publication.

Funds were also provided by our P&C in readiness for the Centenary events, 20-23 October, including grounds beautification and hall decoration for the Centenary Luncheon.
Secondly, a huge thank you to all of the Chevallum staff. The dedication of our teachers, support staff, administration staff, teacher aides, cleaners, groundsmen and regular contractors in 2021 was outstanding and makes our school a place of quality education and pride. Our high-quality curriculum continued to be delivered during Home Learning.
Our staff adapted and tailoring their mode and method of delivery to meet all family circumstances and individual student needs during this time. Student wellbeing has been an ongoing focus for all Family groups in this constantly changing world. Our staff stepped up in celebration of our school-based events including Strawberry Fun Day and Centenary Celebrations.
As we approach the end of the year, I know your minds will already be turning towards 2022.
There is a raised level of awareness around possible implications of the Queensland borders re-opening in December this year and the possible impact on schooling if COVID-19 restrictions return early next year. Our school will email parents, over the Summer break, if there are any changes to our anticipated smooth commencement of the 2022 school year.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge our very supportive parent group who make a difference to the academic and social/emotional outcomes of every student. Parents being directly involved through volunteering or indirectly involved makes our children’s education more purposeful and part of a life-long process.
It was fantastic to see class culminating events back on our calendars in 2021 and the huge parent support at each event making the student learning celebrations purposeful.
Kind Regards and Happy Holidays, Linda Short (Principal)