Thank you to everyone who donated their gold coins to the Early Act club’s local fundraiser for Story Dogs. (Early Act is a school-wide service club for primary students linked to our local Rotary clubs.
All students and teachers were encouraged to dress-up as their favourite dog or animal and participate in ‘paw print’ face painting.

Overall, an amazing $668.00 was raised and going to this very worthy cause. Thank you to our Early Act Club for their amazing efforts and enthusiasm for the fundraising event!!
Story Dogs is a special program dear to many Chevallum hearts. I know many people look forward to our story dog visitors each week – the beautifully natured dogs and their patient, caring volunteer owners.
Our lucky students who are part of the story dog program have weekly relaxing, fun reading sessions.
These students are becoming confident, lifelong readers.
Our Early Act group is pictured with Lisa and her lovely dog Hector the Golden Retriever.