Well that’s a wrap for 2021!
And what a year it has been for all of us as parents and caregivers at Chevallum State School. On behalf of all parents and caregivers, I would like to thank all staff at our magnificent school for the amazing efforts they have put in throughout the year. Our amazing staff have guided and supported our children through many challenging times, many ups and downs and new ground in education, health and wellbeing. Our school is nothing without our committed staff … so thank you for all you have done in 2021!
While I am on a roll for thanking people, I would like to thanks each and every Chevallum P&C staff member for their amazing efforts in 2021! Our staff numbers are ever growing across our three business (Woosh, Café C and the Uniform Shop) with staff numbers currently at 18. On behalf of our parent community, thank you for going above and beyond to ensure that our children are well cared for, fed well and always have uniforms to wear.
Thank you also to all of our contracted staff members across the P&C who ensure the businesses run smoothly.
The biggest thank you goes to you …. The volunteer! Without volunteers, our P&C would not exist. We would have to stop all fundraising and community events and would need to sell our businesses, thus stopping any money being contributed to the school.
In 2021 our community have put in a great amount of energy, motivation and vibrancy into our school P&C and have contributed to raising many thousands of dollars. Together as a community we have contributed $129,268.15 to our school this year. These funds have been spent on facilities, resources and programs and all of our children have benefited in one way or another due to these contributions to the school. Again, this money is thanks to you…. THE VOLUNTEER!
2022 will bring with it many challenges for our P&C, including restrictions on volunteers coming into our school. However, if you know me well enough, you will know that I always look on the bright side and find the positives in every situation. Together we will rise again to new heights in 2022 as a community.
My vision for our P&C in 2022 is that we form close bonds as a community once more and find new and interesting ways to engage, learn and support one another and our school. Have a restful holiday and see you refreshed and ready to volunteer once again in 2022… we NEED your support more than you realise!
Regards, Kirsten Bowmen (P&C President)
The Uniform Shop will be open on Friday 21st January from 9am – 12pm so you can purchase last minute uniforms for 2022. You can order online through Qkr! before 9am on Thursday 20th January so it will be ready for express pick up on Friday 21st Jan or just come on the Friday and buy your uniforms, paying by EFTPOS or cash.
Café C will be closed during Week 1, Term 1 and will open again in Week 2 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with sushi specials on Wednesdays.
FIRST SCHOOL DAY OF 2022 – WELCOME MORNING TEA The P&C will again be hosting a Welcome Morning Tea for all of our parent community on Monday 24th January. Come along after the first school drop off of the year and have a coffee and cake on us. We will tentatively be set up again in the undercover area like last year.
This is our way of saying thank you to all of you for volunteering and supporting our kids and our school.
Calling all Parents and Caregivers… our P&C NEEDS you!
We want new people with new ideas to come and join the P&C Executive team in 2022. When you join the P&C, you put your hand up for our school and get the opportunity to contribute your ideas, visions and goals for our P&C and our school. You learn so much about our school and meet so many people within our school community. As the current President, I have learnt enormous amounts of skills, but more importantly, I have learnt so much about myself, who I am and who I want to be. I thoroughly recommend getting involved as an Executive member in 2022… we can all do our part for our community! I will be stepping down from the Executive team in 2022 to move onto new challenges but will always be here to support and guide the team in any way I can.
Our AGM will be held on Thursday 3rd March, 2022 at 6pm. Please have a think about what role you could play.The following roles will be appointed at our 2022 AGM:
President, Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary
In 2022, the P&C would like to hear from you! Do you have any fundraising ideas? Do you have things you would like to discuss with the Executive Team about our P&C? Do you have questions, concerns or worries?
Please come along to one of our Parent Ideas Open Discussion sessions held on Thursday 17th February either in the morning session (9am – 10:30am) or the evening session (6pm – 7pm). Nibbles and drinks provided.
Friday, 21 January, 9am-12pm Uniform Shop – Holiday Opening
Monday, 24 January, 7:30am-10am P&C Welcome Morning Tea –
Thursday, 27 January, 6pm-7:15pm - First P&C General Meeting of the year
Thursday, 17 February, 9am - 10:30am - Parent Ideas Open Discussion with the P&C – Morning Session
Thursday, 17 February, 6pm-7pm - Parent Ideas Open Discussion with the P&C – Evening Session
Thursday, 3 March, 6pm-7:15pm - P&C AGM