Welcome to 2023
Our welcome coffee and chat was a wonderful way to meet and connect with some of our new families and catch up with old friends. We loved seeing everyone on day one and look forward to getting to know you better through the year.
Best way to keep up to keep up to date on everything P&C is to come to our P&C meetings - everyone is welcome to attend and we definitely look forward to your input into the events and activities we plan for during the year.
You’ll see the meeting schedule listed further on – hope to see you at 1st meeting for 2023 on Thursday 2nd Feb.
Another way you can help the P&C, at the same time helping in the classroom, is to be part of the Parent Rep
Team. If you love sharing information! being part of a team! connecting with people!... then we have just the role for you!
Every class needs a Parent Rep team to help share information between P & C, staff and parents, and to help collect resources for various fundraising activities. We’d love to hear from you if you think you can help.
Café C and Uniform Shop 
Senior shirts ordered for year 6 students have arrived, have been distributed and you can see them being worn already by our Seniors. We have a few spares left in the following sizes: 1 of each in sizes, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 3 in size 18.
These will be available at the uniform shop on Tuesday’s until sold, if you’d like to order for pick-up on Tuesday simply email to css.uniformshop@gmail.com .
As a year 6 senior student this forms part of the regular uniform and can be worn any day except for sports events where the sports uniform is required.
Thank you to all parents for their patience last week on those two busy days at the Uniform shop, it was great to see how the ‘old’ parents helped out ‘new’ parents with sizing and laundry tips. After a few busy days shelves are full again including small black hats, we also have a small number of large if anyone is looking for them.
For new families, our online ordering for both Cafe C and Uniform shop is done through the Qkr! App. Please download the app, search for Chevallum State School and set up your student profiles.
A reminder for returning families to update your child/ren’s profile, Family group particularly, to ensure we get their items to them.
2023 P&C Meetings – a full list of meeting dates and times has been sent home in the school newsletter.
You can attend P&C meetings in person (in the school Administration building) or via Zoom. To attend via Zoom email the secretary for the Zoom link - secretary.chevallum@gmail.com
The Cafe and Uniform Shop welcome volunteers – if you have a little time to spare in your week you might like to meet the friendly team and chat about how you can help. Many hands make light work and make for a fun hour or so too!
Fundraising 2023
2023 Proposed Fundraisers (Note you calendars now for two event dates already settled upon )
Term 1
March Money Madness, Car Boot Sale
Term 2
Mother’s Day stall/raffle
Comedy for a cause – Save the Date: Friday 2nd June
Term 3
Father’s Day Crazy Socks
STRAWBFEST IS BACK! – Save the Date: Friday 8th September
Term 4
Christmas movie night
We look forward to sharing the year with all our families.
Regards, Kellie Jarrett (P&C President)