These early weeks are important in terms of communication.

• Please make sure all your contact information eg email, addresses, phone numbers are up to date at the office, as well as important medical information.
• Please report absences by SMS (0427 068 773) or absentee line (54532380) for same day absences – please notify asap each day (before 10am)… it’s a good idea to save these numbers for future use
• SMS urgent messages are sent to the parent body “re school closures in emergencies”
• All newsletters are emailed
• P&C communication is via email and school newsletter
• Please ensure that your child is on time for school as being late can cause unnecessary stress in children and missing valuable learning time impacts greatly over time. The first bell rings at 8:35am to start the school day.
• Children arriving from 8am will be supervised in the undercover area until 8:25am. There is no supervision until 8am so arrangements for booking into WOOSH (out of hours care program) will be necessary.
• Children that arrive late, after 8:35am, need to sign in late in the Admin Office before joining their class.
• If your child is unable to attend school on any given day, please phone the Absentee Line 5453 2380 or SMS 0427 068 773 as soon as possible in the morning (before 10am) so this information can be recorded in our attendance records.
• Queensland Department of Education has mandated same day student absence for reporting. This policy and practice will be required of all state schools for all students. This department initiative is to further ensure the safety and wellbeing of the students in our care. Parents will receive SMS or emails for students who are absent or late to school without a parent explanation.