


Curriculum is defined as all the experiences a child is engaged in at school. This includes the formal curriculum and the hidden curriculum. Chevallum School community understands that our learning outcomes are dependent upon the successful integration of our values and beliefs with best practice. Our approach has lead to the implementation of a curriculum with improved intellectual engagement and development of deeper understandings.

Our emphasis on catering for individual learning needs means that children are offered individual and developmentally appropriate programs in Literacy and Numeracy.

All learning and teaching occurs within a multi-age context with the focus being on developing thinking, cooperative learning and recognition of multiple intelligences and learning styles.

Our values and beliefs are an integral driver of our inclusive school curriculum planning. 

Distinctive curriculum offerings include:

  • Inclusive Education Practices
  • Co-operative Learning Structures
  • Early Years Play-based Learning
  • Inquiry Based Learning
  • Learning Support Programs
  • Student Well-being Programs
  • Student Leadership Programs
  • LOTE Italian (Prep to Year 6)
  • Extra Curricular Music Programs
  • Sustainability Programs
  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
  • Restorative Practices
  • Extra Curricular Sports Programs
Last reviewed 17 February 2020
Last updated 17 February 2020