2022 Interhouse Readers Cup Compeition
Inter house Readers Cup was another great success with Waruee taking home the title this year in a close battle with defending champions Gurooman. Gurooman took out second place and Wandalu came third. Thank you to all the students who participated.
Congratulations to the winning team members Benaiah, Arkady, Savannah and Team Manager, Mrs Clark. We look forward to Waruee defending their title in 2023, as they have now won the Inter house Readers Cup twice they are the team to beat!

Middle School Harry Potter Readers Cup
This was the first year for the Middle School to have a Harry Potters Readers Cup and we will definitely be holding this competition again in 2023! The teams participated with a fun spirit and the scores were very close until the last round. In the end the winning team was “The Seekers” made up of Jamie, Chiara, Mia. They worked well together to bring their team home across the line. Thank you to all the teams who participated and we look forward to next year.