In Term 2 2021, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the fifth Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
The AEDC measures five key areas of development in children during their first year of full-time school to build a national picture of health and wellbeing – physical health and wellbeing; social competence; emotional maturity; language and cognitive skills (school-based), and communication skills and general knowledge. Since 2009, the census results have helped communities, schools and governments plan services and target support for children and families.
Teachers complete a research tool, the Australian version of the Early Development Instrument, for each child in their class. Children don’t need to be present so no class time is missed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information for the census. Teachers’ individual assessments are then analysed by the AEDC and reported as anonymous groups of children in the final report.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has endorsed the AEDC as a national progress measure of early childhood development in Australia. To find out more about the census and how communities are using the data to help children and families, visit the AEDC website.
Congratulations! Another successful cross country occurred on Wednesday 5 May (students born 2016-2012) and Thursday 6 May (students born 2011-2008), after a very ‘stop-start’ lead up to the event due to the weather. It was fantastic to see so many parents supporting the event.
A huge thank you to Heath and Mr Mick, for organising the courses and for the hard work setting up on the day. I would also like to acknowledge the organisation of the program by our sports teachers, Ms Horn, Mr Mick, Mr Campbell, Mr Teichmann and teaching staff. The outcome ensured engagement by all and lots of fun. Our Year 6 Sports Captains and other student leaders were a wonderful support to our younger students and general organisation on the day.
Congratulations to all:
1st - Waruee with 232 points
2nd - Wandalu with 218 points
3rd - Gurooman with 202 points

On Friday 7 May, Our Early Act Club ran a very successful fundraiser for a National not-for profit volunteer organisation – Story Dogs. The money raised will help more story dogs to trained and become part of this amazing program. It takes $500 to train each special dog.
Thank you to everyone who dressed as their favourite dog or animal and donated their gold coins to our Early Act fundraiser.
The event raised over $600. 
Story Dogs is a special program dear to many Chevallum hearts. I know many people look forward to our story dog visitors each week – the beautifully natured dogs and their patient, caring volunteer owners.
We were visited at parade by Carolyn, the co-ordinator, Hector and her owner Lisa, Daisy and her owner Ally and Connie and her owner Judy.
Regards, Linda Short (Principal)