What a deadly week we all had! All of the classrooms worked hard on their art installations for the hall and we were all blown away at the quality and significance of the pieces that were displayed.
Our lucky and well-deserved winners of the tuckshop party packs were Families C, E and G. Family G’s entry was so amazing that it will become a permanent fixture in our Admin office!
Just about every student across the school entered our NAIDOC colouring-in competition. The Library Leaders sure had their work cut out for them as they delivered, collated, sorted and judged over 400 individual entries! Every entry looked amazing – some hard work and effort went into them.
Our places getters were –
Early Years – Highly Commended – Harrison , First Place – Macey .
Middle School – HC – India , First Place – Imogen
Upper School – HC – Havi, First Place – Rubi
At lunchtime, our Sports Captains ran a variety of Indigenous games across the school. Molly, Ornella and Brianna played Turi Turi with the Early Years students. Turi Turi is a Maidhargari game that traditionally used the long roots of the Bauhinia tree.
Sadie, Havi and Mahalia played Edor with the Middle School students – Edor is a chasing-tagging team game which originates in the Aurukun Aboriginal community in North Queensland.
Tully, Jett, Thayne and Will were teaching Burainjin to the Upper School students. This ball game originated in Gubbi Gubbi country.
Our beautiful foyer display talks about Gubbi Gubbi Seasons and what’s happening on Country and in waterways throughout these different times. It will remain on display until the end of Week 3.
We have purchased Yarning Circle cards and resource packs for all of the classrooms as a special NAIDOC treat!
I would like to thank all of the staff for their support during NAIDOC week – you have been instrumental in making this important week very special.
Miss Dani