Communication between school and home is very important, up to date contact infomation for families is vital. Please make sure all your contact information eg email, addresses, phone numbers are up to date at the office, as well as important medical information.
SMS (0427068773) and absentee line (54532380) to report daily absences asap
SMS urgent messages are sent to the parent body “e.g. school closures in emergencies”
All newsletters are emailed
P&C communication is via email and school newsletter
Our School History Began in 1921
Our Centenary Book on sale.
Please cotnact school for book sales.
Chevallum – The First 100 Years, tells the story of our school from only 12 students in a building built by parents in 1921, through to our modern school of 476 students in 2021. We hope you will enjoy reading about the development of our school and how it and the world has changed over 100 years. The book also contains a number of personal stories written by former students and staff from the 1920s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1980’s and the 1990’s, which provide a window into the past.
Our school produces an e-Newsletter each fortnight which is available to enrolled families. Individual family groups may also send home their own specific newsletter from time to time in relation to special class events or activities. Information on recent events, successes and school activities can be found on our News page.
The outline below gives a broad overview of annual school events, but is by no means inclusive of all activities undertaken by individual classes and interest groups. A more detailed calendar for each term, listing precise dates and times, is posted when required. Term calendars are also sent home via our newsletter and are available at the office on request.
Events held throughout the year
Class presentations showcasing completion of rich tasks
Parent teacher interviews
Class excursions
Eisteddfod participation
Whole school activity days e.g Book week, Italian
School concerts featuring our instrumental music students
Interschool and regional sport
P&C meetings held monthly.
Annual Events
Term 1
Prep Parent Meeting
Leadership camp
Interschool sport
Term 2
Cross country
School sports days
School photos
Readers cup regional
Term 3
Strawbfest – not held every year, well know throughout the Sunshine Coast
Annual school sports carnival
Term 4
Book Week
Swimming/surfing program